Flaviah - Integrative Health Coach and Professional Organizer in Florida

Personal Bio

Hello, I'm Flaviah!

For 15 years I had a professional organizing company called Soothing Spaces, Inc. in Washington, DC.

About 11 years ago I was diagnosed with an early stage of breast cancer and treated it with diet and lifestyle changes.

About four years ago I decided to take some time to study Integrative Health.

I'm now an Integrative Health Coach and Professional Organizer, and ready to go back to organizing with a new perspective and a new company name (Flaviah Campos Professional Organizers, LLC).

I am so happy to be dedicating my full time between the two things that I love the most.
If you, or anyone from your circle of friends or family need assistance with organizing or staging to sell a property faster, it would be a pleasure to help you.

I am also trained at ICD (Institute for Challenging Disorganization) and a NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers)member.


Our Team

Sarah Alegrett, Flaviah Campos- Founder, Cecila Yinterian

Our Team - Flaviah Campos Professional Organizers, LLC in Florida

Mission Statement

We strive to help people get organized and transform their environment. We provide practical solutions for individuals and businesses seeking a more productive space and an organized life.